Friday, 24 June 2011

More Manipulations: Aino Wallen

 Once again I find myself stuck in the situation yet again that sees me wondering how on earth I can catch up on my blog. The blog that started out with so much potential and depth has been reduced to my modelling work.
 I have however been exceptionally busy of late between my new job and being a member of the Vikings which has seen me travel all over the country doing events, school visits and such. I must admit I am very much enjoying aquiring new skills and sharing what knowledge I allready have of my wilderness skills and viking living. Mostly however I am enjoying being legally allowed to hit people with big lumps of metal :D
 I often philosophise on what it is that draws me towards fighting again and again throughout my life wether it is vikings, martial arts or something more profound involving fighting for a purpose.
 Anyway now is not the time for divergence into philosophical pathways instead it is time to catch up on some digital artists who have kindly collaborated with me, often very much a surprise. Perhaps the depth that i have been unable to type of late and the personality i have surely lacked in displaying will appear through aspects of my art and modelling and it is allways interesting to see what people make of the personality that appears through my work, wether it be acting or whether it involves a part of myself. Look upon these images and see what storys you draw. I am honoured to have inspired such work.
The first art i wish to share with you is the work of Aino Wallen of Deviant art. The work is cleerly progressive and it is obvious that the artist has the imagination required for story telling through photomanipulations. It is really humbeling and an honour to be part of someones creative growth and everytime they kindly send me a new surprise image it is better than the last. Thankyou AinoWallen!

"Summoning" by AinoWallen 
I rather like the concept of this image, the mysticism added not just by the location and the magic I appear to be weilding but also by the tones of dusk. I think the artist has done a good job matching up my expression and look with location and story.
"My Fairy" by AinoWallen 
One of my favourites that the artist has created, i think the lighting is subtle enough to be truly believable and the glittering tones bounce of the rock nicely. I think the angle of the photograph itself lends well to the feel of being drawn into the characters world. Wonderful sense of magical story.

"Restoring" by AinoWallen 
For some reason I find this peice distantly reminds me of a graphic novel style, perhaps it is the bright colours and I could see it featuring in such a peice well. I adore the greens and the sense of gentle healing power.

"The Triplets" by AinoWallen 
Once again the artist has done a beautiful job of matching poses and expression to location and story or in this case mythology. A very lush image that is allmost Grecian in nature
"Come Forth my Servant" by AinoWallen 
Whilst posing for this shot I felt overwhelmed by the power of nature, i tried to channel that power into my posing for some sort of invocation shot despite the waves that kept crashing against me and threatening to sweep me out to see. It is nice to see the image turned into a powerful magical peice.